Monday, February 21, 2011


All in all it has yet to be proven that online advertisements are more effective than traditional advertisements, but it has been shown that the statistics of traditional advertisements are steadily decreasing. Online advertisements probably wont be affective in a few decades but it is all about what is "cool" now. Since many jobs, hobbies, classes, past times and much more are spent on the internet, than online advertising is the smartest thing for companies to do today. Television commercials are still entertaining to watch at times, especially during the most popular time, the Super Bowl. Although they are fun to watch their intinction is nearby because of the advancement in technology. I hope this blog helped to inform anyone who did not know about the rise of online advertisements and decrease in traditional advertisements. Thanks for your time!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Craig's List

Craig's List is a really good form of advertisement for people that our trying to sell their things, advertise events, offer jobs, and much more. More than 50 million people use Craig's List. This is another thing that goes to show how effective online advertisements are. It is almost like an outside world. Companies like Craig's List are loving the fact that people are spending a lot of their daily lives online.

Traditional Advertisements

Since the majority of traditional advertisements are television commercials in this decade, traditional advertisements have been slowly coming to an end. It's not that televisions are not being sold, it is the fact that majority of television users also use TiVo or some type of DVR. These devices allow people to fast forward through the commercials so they don't have to waste any of their time. Of course there is more than just commercials that have advertisements, newspapers, radios, and magazines also have ads. The only problem is that these things are slowly becoming instinct. There is nothing that you can't find on the Internet, well almost nothing.
Billboards aren't extinct but since most people do not walk on the freeway they're usually just passed up. They have gotten better over time, some billboards are even 3D so they catch your attention but the people that pay attention to the billboard the most are passengers. Coupons are another thing that used to be really popular as well. I'm not saying that people don't like saving money now, but many people just use their club card for things like that.

Newspapers have been around for a long time now, but in the past decade the purchases and uses of printed newspapers have decreased. It's not that no one reads them, the thing is it is all available online. Majority of newspaper companies have a website online. Advertisements that are in the paper are also available on the side, bottom and other spots on the web page. Also there is many more ways to advertise other than printing ads in the newspaper and the penny saver. One of the biggest advertising sites is Craig's List which I will do a blog about soon.
The radio is another form of advertising. Have you ever heard a commercial interupt your favorite song? I bet you changed the station as fast as you could. Radio advertisements haven't been too successful because most people don't waste their time listening to the commercials when they can easily change the station. Another reason why radio advertisements have not been successful lately is because of mp3 players and such. Now that there is cords and wires for people to plug their music players in, the radio has become a thing of the past. Even a few decades ago people listened to their cassette tapes or compact discs in their car.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Internet Trends

Here is a link to a powerpoint slide that shows how the internet on smart phones and how online advertising has been increasing rapidly. On slide 25 it shows a bar graph of how printed, television, and radio advertising are decreasing while online advertisement is suddenly on the rise. I believe that this is happening because of our generation. Since studies show that our generation spends majority of their time on the internet, advertising online would be more effective. Also on slide 39 there is another bar graph that shows how mobile advertising has went up drastically since 2003. That also ties into my blog about cell phone advertisements. Facebook is another site that has a ton of advertisements. Advertising companies are prone to sites like this to get their ads on. Yahoo and Google are also great examples of this too. Since these sights are visited frequently there is more of a possibility for users of those sights to click on them and figure out what their product is or whatever they are advertising.

Cell Phone Advertisements

Now that cell phone companies have 3G and 4G network, internet is accessible without having to use a WiFi connection. In the picture to the left I have a screen shot of Words With Friends (the free version) and on the bottom of the page is an advertisement for a free trial. Nowadays advertising isn’t just for things you can buy instantly, they usually try to give you an incentive. Meaning that most applications available on the iPhone that are up for purchase usually have a free version as well. Although the free version is somewhat comparable to the actual one there is always advertisements that interrupt the free ones and there is levels missing or something that makes the one you have to purchase better.

In this picture there is dollar amounts of how much companies spend on cell phone advertisements. Advertisement companies today spend more money on cell phone ads than before because of how much people use the web on their phones. Smart phones are said to be the most bought product in 2011. Since this assumption has been made of course advertisements on those phones will increase.

What This Is All About?

This blog is designed to show how online advertisements are more effective than traditional advertising. Recently the internet has expanded their advertising to more than just adds on the left or right hand side, but they have also started showing full commercials during videos that are online. These, online commercials, have been around for a while but they were not always mandatory to watch. Now one cannot just skip the commercials that are being shown during whatever show or video they are watching. There is also smart phone applications that have advertisements on them, which is another form of the internet. I thought this was a great topic to talk about because I have noticed that traditional advertising is slowly dying down. Newspapers, radio advertisements, and traditional commercials have continued to decrease in percentages. Throughout this blog I will be bringing in pictures, charts, graphs and other forms of evidence of how online advertising is more effective in this society. Stay tuned for more information about this.