Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Internet Trends

Here is a link to a powerpoint slide that shows how the internet on smart phones and how online advertising has been increasing rapidly. On slide 25 it shows a bar graph of how printed, television, and radio advertising are decreasing while online advertisement is suddenly on the rise. I believe that this is happening because of our generation. Since studies show that our generation spends majority of their time on the internet, advertising online would be more effective. Also on slide 39 there is another bar graph that shows how mobile advertising has went up drastically since 2003. That also ties into my blog about cell phone advertisements. Facebook is another site that has a ton of advertisements. Advertising companies are prone to sites like this to get their ads on. Yahoo and Google are also great examples of this too. Since these sights are visited frequently there is more of a possibility for users of those sights to click on them and figure out what their product is or whatever they are advertising.

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